Legal Notice

Company details

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the company’s identification details are set out below.

Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL

Registered office:
Pol.Ind. El Bony Calle 32 Número 39, 46470 Catarroja (Valencia).

Company registered in the Mercantile Register of VALENCIA T 4683, L 1993, F 51, S 8, H V 30071, I/A 12 ( 2.11.12)

Accessing the website of Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL implies acceptance of all the following conditions:

Intellectual Property

The content of this website, texts, images, etc. as well as its graphic design and source code are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL.

Therefore, their reproduction, distribution or public communication, in whole or in part, without the express authorisation of Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL is strictly prohibited.

Website Content

Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL is not responsible for any improper use that is made of the contents of our website, being exclusive responsibility of the person who accesses them or uses them.

Updating and Modification of the Webpage

Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL reserves the right to modify or eliminate, without prior notice, the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration and presentation, without assuming any responsibility for doing so.

Indications on Technical Aspects

Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL does not accept any liability that may arise from technical problems or failures in computer equipment that may occur during connection to the Internet, as well as damage that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the control of Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL.

We are also exonerated from any liability for possible damage that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information we provide when it comes from outside sources.

Privacy and Data Protection Policy (L.O.P.D.)

Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL informs the users of this website, that it may create an automated file with personal data that is brought to the attention of the owner, as a result of the use of this website and because of shipments to email that appears as contact or those collected through our contact form, in strict compliance with the provisions of the legislation on data protection.

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, users may exercise, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of their data, which have been collected and filed. The exercise of these rights must be made by means of written communication addressed to the registered office of Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL or to the e-mail address indicated as contact, indicating, in either case, as reference “PERSONAL DATA” and the right they wish to exercise, enclosing a copy of their National Identity Document.

The data recorded may be used for statistical purposes, to send advertising, including by electronic means, to manage incidents or to carry out market research, among other activities.

Where appropriate, the personal data provided by users may be communicated to a third party only for the fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes and with the prior consent of the interested parties, which shall be understood to have been granted if they do not state otherwise within fifteen days of providing their data. In any case, the aforementioned consent may be revoked at any time by means of a written communication addressed to the registered office of the owner, indicating as reference “REMOVAL OF PERSONAL DATA”.

All rights reserved: Transportes Mediterráneo Expres SL